Monday, November 26, 2007

OK. What's with all the Socks?

  • Socks are a little miracle of knitting. For about $20, or less, depending, you can get enough yarn to make an entire garment. No big investments in 8 balls of such and such.
  • Socks are forgiving in fit, so it's OK not to be perfect. If your feet are different, then you can custom-fit your feet. My feet are long and narrow, and socks tend to be a little short, but not when I made them myself.
  • Sock construction is like magic. A few decreases, a few short rows, picking up a few selvage edges, and BOOM you've turned a heel.
  • A fast knitter on a mission from God can turn out socks in a hurry. There is no months-long commitment like with a sweater.
  • Socks are portable. I carry a pair with me all the time and fit in a few rows every time I have to wait for something, like the doctor, or my lunch order. They fit nicely in my bag or even a jacket pocket. Try carrying around a blanket.
  • Socks are an excellent way to try out weird colors or small amounts of different yarns. Tofu! Bamboo! Hunting-season orange!
  • Socks are an excellent way to get accustomed to color work. Maybe you want to try a traditional Scandinavian pattern but are terrified of a project on the scale of a sweater. Do socks with a fair isle pattern and move up when you master the technique.
  • Socks are almost the only way to make an affordable cashmere project.
  • Socks freak out non-knitters. Who in her right mind would spend 20 dollars and 40 hours on a pair of socks when you can buy gym socks at Nordstrom three pair for ten dollars?

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