On the pitch, he plays rough, and looks rough--as in maybe he went straight to the dressing room from last night's party and didn't have time to shower or shave and maybe hasn't slept since Thursday and maybe he smells like vodka and cigarettes and hoochies--or maybe the assistant coach found him passed out in the hotel lobby and had to dump ice water on him to roust him and get him to the game. Here he is in Rossoneri (duh) marking Javier Zanetti (in Nerazzurri)---oooops, I mean Julio Cruz:

He cleans up pretty good, or at least we have the technology to airbursh those dark circles one sees under his eyes in the candid photos.

But he also has the unfortunate tendency to pose for photographers who tread in that dangerous territory where art and fashion stops being arty or fashiony and becomes just plain embarrassing.
*sigh* Poor baby. I think Dirtbunny can be of assistance here. Cheer up, Tiger. Bunny's got your back.
1 comment:
I think they were going for "smoldering" with these shots but achieved "dazed," or perhaps "constipated."
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