Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What's with all the foul language?

Q: Really, Bunny, must you cuss all the time? Can you truly not express yourself with other words from your vast vocabulary?

A: My vocabulary is not as vast as you may think. I may brag about being an educated person who sometimes reads books, but I went to public high school where, in my senior AP English class, we read Macbeth and spent about six weeks dissecting The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, and did a lot of Calculus homework because the teacher didn't feel like teaching that day. I got enough B's on high-school English papers for reasons such as "ragged margins" and "flimsy cover" to turn me off serious books for a long long time. Not to mention that it didn't really seem to be important what I had to say if my margins (this was -gasp- before computers) were not lovely.

But you were asking about the cuss words. I'm cranky and I cuss. It makes me feel like a rebel when there is really nothing remotely rebellious about anything I do. It is an authentic part of my voice, so it stays.

Maybe my voice sucks.

Great. Now I need to call my therapist. Thank you so very much for your question.

1 comment:

Ed said...

If the choice is between a good person who uses foul language and ass-kissing douchetards who mind all their P's and Q's, I choose the former. Oops, language. Bygones.